Is It Time?

Is it time for hospice care?

It’s never too soon to ask for help and to be evaluated if St. Grace Hospice, Inc. can provide the patient and the family additional support. With one phone call, we can assess the patient’s situation and needs and, if appropriate, schedule someone to come out for an in-home evaluation to determine which hospice programs and services would be appropriate.

Turning to St. Grace Hospice, Inc. is not about giving up; it’s about giving the patient and their family the option to focus on living. St. Grace Hospice, Inc. honors the dignity of life through the compassionate and comprehensive care of patients entrusted to our service.

What are the benefits of hospice care?

Hospice focuses on caring, not curing. And in most cases you and your loved ones derive the following benefits:

  • Patients feel comforted and free of pain since individual needs for pain management and symptom relief are embodied in a care plan developed by the hospice team with all the necessary palliative drugs and therapies, medical supplies, and equipment provided free of charge.
  • Patient and family are confident in making proper healthcare decisions since the Hospice team can assist them in directing their own medical care. They are able to set forth their future healthcare wishes in legal documents such as a Living Will, a Power of Attorney, or an Advanced Directive.
  • Patient and family experience less anxiety because hope is refocused on what can be realistically achieved at the specific point in a patient’s diagnosis.
  • Patient and family find peace and emotional comfort since hospice care focuses on their emotional needs and spiritual well-being. Hospice helps patients and families explore issues regarding end of life, resolve “unfinished business”, dealing with grief and loss of loved ones, and facilitate to make final arrangements a peaceful and dignified experience.
  • Patients feel less of a burden to their loved ones because hospice care focuses on all aspects of a patient’s life and well-being: physical, social, emotional, and spiritual; and offers substantial support and training for family caregivers.
  • Patients live their last days to the fullest and experience a natural, pain-free death in a familiar, comfortable environment or in the serenity and comfort of their own home, with purpose, dignity, and grace.


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